Spain – MSC Cruise – The volcanic island of Lanzarote
Only one hundred kilometres from the Moroccan coast, the Canary Islands, of which Lanzarote is a part, are known for the beauty of their almost lunar landscapes, their beaches and especially their sunshine. C hurch bells are ringing in the small town. It must be around ten o'clock on Monday morning. The sun is out, the sky is clear of almost all the white cotton wools that look like clouds. The sea air with its slightly salty taste invigorates the spirit. And in spite of the small wind blowing from the coast, it is nice in Teguise for this month of December. A simple jumper is enough, the sun doing the rest. The square of the small village in the heart of the island is deserted. It is a normal day on the island of Lanzarote, in the Canary Islands…